%I #3 Jun 24 2012 12:58:49
%S 1,40320,2027025,13681123135,551211090935595,64157120593526429971,
%T 15388200323143520006870562,6273648300104128965616586081511,
%U 3847028733161627562733350467148495403,3264601141014490309682718148875987514642243
%N Number of words w where each letter of the 8-ary alphabet occurs n times and for every prefix z of w we have #(z,a_i) = 0 or #(z,a_i) >= #(z,a_j) for all j>i and #(z,a_i) counts the occurrences of the i-th letter in z.
%e a(0) = 1: the empty word.
%e a(1) = 40320: abcdefgh, abcdefhg, abcdegfh, ..., hgfedbca, hgfedcab, hgfedcba, (all permutations of 8 letters).
%Y Column k=8 of A213275.
%K nonn
%O 0,2
%A _Alois P. Heinz_, Jun 23 2012