%I #12 Feb 04 2020 16:57:20
%S 0,0,1,1,2,1,3,2,4,3,5,2,6,4,7,5,8,4,9,6,10,7,11,4,12,8,13,9,14,7,15,
%T 10,16,11,17,7,18,12,19,13,20,10,21,14,22,15,23,9,24,16,25,17,26,13,
%U 27,18,28,19,29,8,30,20,31,21,32,16,33,22,34,23,35,14,36,24,37
%N [A000027/A007978], where [ ] = floor.
%C a(n) = floor(n/m), where m is the least positive nondivisor of n, as in A007978.
%H Peter Kagey, <a href="/A213633/b213633.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>
%e a(10) = floor(10/3) = 3.
%t y=120; z=2000;
%t t = Table[k := 1; While[Mod[n, k] == 0, k++]; k, {n, 1, z}] (* A007978 *)
%t Table[Floor[n/t[[n]]], {n, 1, y}] (* A213633 *)
%t Table[n - Floor[n/t[[n]]], {n, 1, y}] (* A213634 *)
%t Table[t[[n]]*Floor[n/t[[n]]], {n, 1, y}] (* A213635 *)
%t t1 = Table[n - t[[n]]*Floor[n/t[[n]]], {n, 1, z}] (* A213636 *)
%t Flatten[Position[t1, 1]] (* A213637 *)
%t Flatten[Position[t1, 2]] (* A213638 *)
%Y Cf. A007978, A213634, A213635, A213636, A213637, A213638.
%K nonn,easy
%O 1,5
%A _Clark Kimberling_, Jun 16 2012