Largest prime with n nonprime substrings (substrings with leading zeros are considered to be nonprime).

%I #6 Sep 01 2012 09:12:14

%S 373,3797,37337,37397,373379,831373,973373,3733739,8313733,9973331,

%T 9721373,52313797,73313797,97337333,99793373,373373977,831373379,

%U 799733317,974313797,991733137,7331337337,3797193373,9719337973,9917331373,9793733797,9974331373

%N Largest prime with n nonprime substrings (substrings with leading zeros are considered to be nonprime).

%H Hieronymus Fischer, <a href="/A213301/b213301.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..25</a>

%e a(0)=373, since 373 is the greatest prime such that all substrings are prime, hence it is the maximal prime with 0 nonprime substrings.

%e a(3)= 37397, since the nonprime substrings of 37337 are 9, 39 and 7397, and all greater primes have > 3 nonprime substrings.

%Y Cf. A019546, A035232, A039996, A046034, A069489, A085823, A211681, A211682, A211684, A211685.

%Y Cf. A035244, A079307, A213300 - A213321.

%K nonn,base

%O 0,1

%A _Hieronymus Fischer_, Aug 26 2012