%I #10 Oct 20 2014 17:15:16
%S 14,70,286,1099,4124,14935,53242,188684,667972,2368095,8426224,
%T 30130319,108331818,391700269,1424153146,5205387976,19120256344,
%U 70552778548,261426207564,972390417749,3629462152664,13590042842272,51033678706020,192151581932541
%N Sequence of coefficients of x in marked mesh pattern generating function Q_{n,132}^(-,0,4,0)(x).
%H S. Kitaev, J. Remmel and M. Tiefenbruck, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.6243">Marked mesh patterns in 132-avoiding permutations I</a>, arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.6243, 2012
%t CCC[t]=(1-(1-4*t)^(1/2))/(2*t); NQ4[t, x]=1/(1 - t*x*CCC[t] - t(1 - x)*(1 + t + 2t^2 + 5t^3)); CoefficientList[Coefficient[Simplify[Series[NQ4[t, x], {t, 0, 35}]], x], t] (* Robert Price, Jun 05 2012 *)
%K nonn
%O 5,1
%A _Robert Price_, Jun 06 2012