Concatenation of the elements of the n-th row of A079559 assuming that it is an irregular triangle with row lengths 2^n, n>=0.

%I #21 Oct 08 2012 14:14:22

%S 1,10,1100,11011000,1101100110110000,11011001101100011011001101100000,

%T 1101100110110001101100110110000110110011011000110110011011000000

%N Concatenation of the elements of the n-th row of A079559 assuming that it is an irregular triangle with row lengths 2^n, n>=0.

%C a(n) has 2^n digits, n>=0.

%C The next term is too large to be displayed.

%C Observation: a(n) is also the binary representation of A092124(n-1), if 1<=n<=7, and possibly more. See also the comment about John von Neumann in A092124.

%Y Cf. A079559, A092124.

%K nonn,base

%O 0,2

%A _Omar E. Pol_, Oct 02 2012