Prime numbers p such that x^2 + x + p produces primes for x = 0..5 but not x = 6.

%I #6 Apr 06 2012 18:28:59

%S 1607,3527,13901,31247,33617,55661,68897,97367,166841,195731,221717,

%T 347981,348431,354371,416387,506327,548831,566537,929057,954257,

%U 1246367,1265081,1358801,1505087,1538081,1595051,1634441,1749257,2200811,2322107,2641547,2697971

%N Prime numbers p such that x^2 + x + p produces primes for x = 0..5 but not x = 6.

%C The first term is A164926(6).

%H T. D. Noe, <a href="/A210364/b210364.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>

%t lookfor = 6; t = {}; n = 0; While[Length[t] < 50, n++; c = Prime[n]; i = 1; While[PrimeQ[i^2 + i + c], i++]; If[i == lookfor, AppendTo[t, c]]]; t

%Y Cf. A067774, A164926, A210360, A210361, A210362, A210363, A210365.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _T. D. Noe_, Apr 05 2012