Numbers n with property that n is prime, n+18 is prime and both have equal sum of digits.

%I #22 Mar 16 2023 12:23:17

%S 5,13,19,23,29,43,53,79,109,113,139,149,163,173,179,223,233,239,263,

%T 313,349,379,439,443,449,491,503,523,569,613,643,659,673,691,709,733,

%U 739,743,769,809,839,859,863,919,929,953,1013,1033,1069,1091,1153,1163

%N Numbers n with property that n is prime, n+18 is prime and both have equal sum of digits.

%C Supersequence of A066540.

%e 613 is in the sequence because 613 is prime, 613+18 = 631 is also prime. Sum_of_digits(613) = 10 and Sum_of_digits(631) = 10.

%o (Magma) [p: p in PrimesUpTo(1200) | IsPrime(p+18) and &+Intseq(p) eq &+Intseq(p+18)]; // _Bruno Berselli_, Mar 13 2012

%Y Cf. A066540.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Antonio Roldán_, Mar 13 2012