s(k)-s(j), where (s(k),s(j)) is the least such pair for which n divides their difference, and s(j)=j(3j-1)/2, the j-th pentagonal number.

%I #9 Apr 09 2015 16:34:46

%S 4,4,21,4,10,30,7,16,144,10,11,48,13,70,30,16,17,144,19,80,21,22,23,

%T 48,50,130,1161,112,29,30,31,64,66,34,35,144,37,190,39,80,41,84,43,

%U 308,225,46,47,48,196,50,102,260,53,1242,110,112,57,58,59,120

%N s(k)-s(j), where (s(k),s(j)) is the least such pair for which n divides their difference, and s(j)=j(3j-1)/2, the j-th pentagonal number.

%C For a guide to related sequences, see A204892.

%t (See the program at A205138.)

%Y Cf. A205138, A204892.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Jan 25 2012