Least k such that n divides A204985(k), the k-th difference between numbers of the form 2^k.

%I #6 Feb 27 2013 09:44:10

%S 1,1,2,3,7,2,4,6,16,7,46,5,67,4,7,10,29,16,154,12,16,46,56,9,191,67,

%T 154,8,379,7,11,15,46,29,67,23,631,154,67,18,191,16,92,57,67,56,254,

%U 14,211,191

%N Least k such that n divides A204985(k), the k-th difference between numbers of the form 2^k.

%C A204986(2n-1)=A204939(2n-1) for n>=1. For a guide to related sequences, see A204892.

%t (See the program at A204987.)

%Y Cf. A204987, A204892.

%K nonn

%O 1,3

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Jan 21 2012