k!-j!, where (k!,j!) is the least pair of distinct factorials for which n divides k!-j!.

%I #5 Mar 30 2012 18:58:08

%S 1,4,18,4,5,18,119,96,18,600,22,96,362856,714,600,96,119,18,114,600,

%T 714,22,23,96,600,362856,4320,35280,696,600,3628798,96,5016,714,35280,

%U 4320,6227020080,114,362856,600,4920,714,39876480,5016,4320

%N k!-j!, where (k!,j!) is the least pair of distinct factorials for which n divides k!-j!.

%C The ordering of pairs (k!,j!) is given by A204930. For a guide to related sequences, see A204892.

%e (See the example at A204932.)

%t (See the program at A204932.)

%Y Cf. A204932, A204892, A204937.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Jan 21 2012