Concatenation of the decimal digits of Fibonacci(n) and the Fibonacci(n)-th digit of Pi.

%I #15 Sep 18 2015 04:35:22

%S 0,13,13,21,34,55,86,139,216,342,550,898,1445,2337,3774,6107,9879,

%T 15973,25840,41818,67653,109461,177118,286576,463684,750255,1213933,

%U 1964184,3178110,5142292,8320401,13462694,21783096,35245782,57028879

%N Concatenation of the decimal digits of Fibonacci(n) and the Fibonacci(n)-th digit of Pi.

%H <a href="http://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/mziay/i_was_tutoring_and_one_of_those_stupid_find_the/">r/Math: Unique Sequence</a>

%e a(6) = 86 is the concatenation of A000045(6)=8 and A000796(8) = 6.

%p Digits := 4200 ;

%p A000796 := proc(n)

%p floor(Pi*10^(n-1)) ;

%p % mod 10 ;

%p end proc:

%p A201773 := proc(n)

%p f := combinat[fibonacci](n) ;

%p digcat2(f,A000796(f)) ;

%p end proc:

%p seq(A201773(n),n=0..18) ; # _R. J. Mathar_, Dec 05 2011

%K base,less,nonn,easy

%O 0,2

%A _Joseph Tingsanchali_, Dec 04 2011

%E More terms from _Sean A. Irvine_, Apr 09 2013