%I #18 Jun 03 2021 19:13:49
%S 215664901,593359399,235988057,362241739,739976449,33374293,337429373,
%T 733773767,87352039,670853233,146694029,151905877,267331399,413954911,
%U 984234877,384310939,310939973,93997361,939973613,306088933,60889331,759271351,549570661,789358679
%N Primes from merging of 9 successive digits in decimal expansion of Euler-Mascheroni constant.
%C In contrast to A104943, leading zeros are permitted, so this sequence contains all terms of A104943 and additional primes with fewer than 9 digits.
%p Digits := 620 ;
%p for sh from 8 do
%p p := floor(gamma*10^sh) mod 1000000000 ;
%p if isprime(p) then
%p printf("%d,",p);
%p end if;
%p end do: # _R. J. Mathar_, Oct 31 2011
%t Select[FromDigits/@Partition[RealDigits[EulerGamma,10,520][[1]],9,1],PrimeQ] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jun 03 2021 *)
%Y Cf. A103773, A103789, A103793, A103808-A103812, A104824-A104826, A104843-A104850, A198161-A198177, A198776-A198784.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,1
%A _Harvey P. Dale_, Oct 29 2011