Positive integers c for which there is a (1/2)-Pythagorean triple (a,b,c) satisfying a<=b.

%I #5 Mar 30 2012 18:57:48

%S 4,17,8,16,12,34,19,92,16,51,20,32,94,46,227,24,68,23,106,28,38,62,

%T 184,48,85,422,32,61,38,181,36,62,102,304,136,677,40,64,188,34,57,119,

%U 276,44,92,152,454,199,48,136,80,391,46,52,128,212,634,153,274,56

%N Positive integers c for which there is a (1/2)-Pythagorean triple (a,b,c) satisfying a<=b.

%C See A195770 for definitions of k-Pythagorean triple, primitive k-Pythagorean triple, and lists of related sequences.

%t (See A195879.)

%Y Cf. A195770, A195879.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Sep 25 2011