Smallest possible largest number of a 4 by n average array where repetitions are not allowed with diagonals.

%I #8 Aug 13 2020 14:02:28

%S 1250,5754,353073,14774206,461490870,136644951,302307431550,

%T 6347782194286,12139568762399,4159327027119583,129785024254373690,

%U 58866692131428799,28110275546239432420

%N Smallest possible largest number of a 4 by n average array where repetitions are not allowed with diagonals.

%C Here, an average array is an array with positive integers such that each number is the average of the numbers in its horizontally, vertically and diagonally adjacent cells.

%H Erich Friedman, <a href="https://erich-friedman.github.io/mathmagic/0399.html">Problem of the month March 1999</a>

%K nonn

%O 3,1

%A _Kausthub Gudipati_, Sep 24 2011