Smallest possible largest number of a 3 by n average array where repetitions are not allowed with diagonals.

%I #5 Mar 31 2012 10:28:39

%S 615,1250,3087,85702,832207,964411,75516831,87752352,2247987605,

%T 32183551352,622344644563,721258992031,56497436627651

%N Smallest possible largest number of a 3 by n average array where repetitions are not allowed with diagonals.

%C Here, an average array is an array of positive integers such that each number (however not the smallest and the largest number) is the average of its horizontally vertically and diagonally adjacent numbers.

%K nonn

%O 3,1

%A _Kausthub Gudipati_, Sep 24 2011