Number of lower triangles of an n X n integer array with each element differing from all of its vertical and horizontal neighbors by 7 or less and triangles differing by a constant counted only once

%I #5 Dec 18 2015 18:17:45

%S 1,225,507375,11755976175,2834518121474625,7151051711514319493625,

%T 189393562987102056163761489375

%N Number of lower triangles of an n X n integer array with each element differing from all of its vertical and horizontal neighbors by 7 or less and triangles differing by a constant counted only once

%C Column 7 of A195278

%e Some solutions for n=5

%e ...0...............0...............0...............0...............0

%e ..-5.-7...........-1.-5...........-7.-7...........-1.-8............4..6

%e ..-8.-9.-8.........5..2..9........-7-14-17.........2.-4-11........-1.-1.-2

%e ..-1.-2.-3..1.....-1.-5..2..8.....-4.-7-14-10......1.-1.-5.-7......2..4..4.-3

%e ...5..3..3..5..6..-3.-2..5..9..6..-2.-5.-8-12-12..-1..4..0.-7-14...4..3..4.-3.-1

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Sep 14 2011