%I #5 Dec 18 2015 18:17:45
%S 8,122,5870,886084,421064386,631149414120,2987571816007840,
%T 44691981426014450274,2113939963847059814381026,
%U 316271939439306387096992492956,149706956331711946010383809151524932
%N Number of lower triangles of an n X n 0..7 array with each element differing from all of its diagonal, vertical, antidiagonal and horizontal neighbors by two or less
%C Column 7 of A195248
%e Some solutions for n=5
%e ..0..........1..........6..........0..........7..........4..........4
%e ..1.2........3.3........5.5........0.2........5.6........4.6........6.6
%e ..2.1.1......2.1.3......6.6.7......1.1.2......4.6.7......5.5.4......5.4.5
%e ..
%e ..
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _R. H. Hardin_ Sep 13 2011