Integers k such that for all j > k the largest prime factor of j*(j+1)*(j+2) exceeds the largest prime factor of k*(k+1)*(k+2).

%I #25 Apr 16 2022 16:46:17

%S 2,8,48,98,350,440,2430,13310,13454,17575,212380,1205644,2018978,

%T 3939648,15473808,407498958,138982582998,768026327418,1049851495966,

%U 2682238231673,5556134065128,14334401249714,201602864021438

%N Integers k such that for all j > k the largest prime factor of j*(j+1)*(j+2) exceeds the largest prime factor of k*(k+1)*(k+2).

%C Heuristics show that these terms are valid, but a strict proof is yet to be done. Terms 24-26 were found with a program written by _Robert Gerbicz_. - _Andrey V. Kulsha_, Aug 29 2011

%H Andrey V. Kulsha, <a href="/A193944/b193944.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..26</a>

%Y Cf. A003032, A193943, A193945.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Andrey V. Kulsha_, Aug 10 2011