Denominators of the squared radii of the smallest enclosing circles of n points with integer coordinates and distinct mutual distances, arranged such that the radius of their enclosing circle is minimized. Numerators are given in A193555.

%I #7 Jan 29 2016 11:12:58

%S 4,4,2,1,578,16,98,4418,98,2,36,841,3042,4,1058

%N Denominators of the squared radii of the smallest enclosing circles of n points with integer coordinates and distinct mutual distances, arranged such that the radius of their enclosing circle is minimized. Numerators are given in A193555.

%C See A193555.

%Y Cf. A193555 corresponding numerators.

%K nonn,frac,hard

%O 2,1

%A _Hugo Pfoertner_, Jul 30 2011