Increasing sequence generated by these rules: a(1)=1, and if x is in a then 3x and 3x+2 are in a.

%I #10 Sep 30 2019 11:21:56

%S 1,3,5,9,11,15,17,27,29,33,35,45,47,51,53,81,83,87,89,99,101,105,107,

%T 135,137,141,143,153,155,159,161,243,245,249,251,261,263,267,269,297,

%U 299,303,305,315,317,321,323,405,407,411,413,423,425,429,431,459,461,465,467,477,479,483,485,729,731,735,737,747,749,753,755,783

%N Increasing sequence generated by these rules: a(1)=1, and if x is in a then 3x and 3x+2 are in a.

%C See discussions at A190803, A191106. A191110 has closure properties: the positive integers in (A191110)/3 form A191110, and likewise for (-2+A191110).

%H Ivan Neretin, <a href="/A191110/b191110.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%t h = 3; i = 0; j = 3; k = 2; f = 1; g = 7;

%t a = Union[Flatten[NestList[{h # + i, j # + k} &, f, g]]] (* A191110 *)

%t b = a/3; c = (a - 2)/3; r = Range[0, 900];

%t d = Intersection[b, r] (* A191110 closure property *)

%t e = Intersection[c, r] (* A191110 closure property *)

%t Flatten[Nest[{#,3#,3#+2}&/@#&,{1},6]]//Union (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Sep 30 2019 *)

%Y Cf. A190803, A191106.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Clark Kimberling_, May 26 2011