%I #7 Apr 06 2018 22:24:54
%S 2,7,10,12,15,20,23,25,28,31,33,36,41,44,46,49,52,54,57,62,65,67,70,
%T 75,78,80,83,86,88,91,96,99,101,104,107,109,112,114,117,120,122,125,
%U 130,133,135,138,141,143,146,151,154,156,159,164,167,169,172,175,177,180,185,188,190,193,196,198,201
%N Positions of 1 in A190431.
%C See A190431.
%H G. C. Greubel, <a href="/A190433/b190433.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>
%t r = GoldenRatio; b = 3; c = 1;
%t f[n_] := Floor[(b*n + c)*r] - b*Floor[n*r] - Floor[c*r];
%t t = Table[f[n], {n, 1, 320}] (* A190431 *)
%t Flatten[Position[t, 0]] (* A190432 *)
%t Flatten[Position[t, 1]] (* A190433 *)
%t Flatten[Position[t, 2]] (* A190434 *)
%t Flatten[Position[t, 3]] (* A190435 *)
%Y Cf. A190431.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Clark Kimberling_, May 10 2011