Number of arrangements of 3 nonzero numbers x(i) in -n..n with the sum of trunc(x(i)/x(i+1)) equal to zero

%I #5 Mar 31 2012 12:36:15

%S 4,8,28,72,152,264,432,660,968,1352,1832,2400,3084,3880,4808,5876,

%T 7100,8472,10020,11736,13648,15748,18064,20576,23328,26304,29536,

%U 33012,36764,40768,45068,49656,54556,59756,65292,71148,77360,83908,90828,98100

%N Number of arrangements of 3 nonzero numbers x(i) in -n..n with the sum of trunc(x(i)/x(i+1)) equal to zero

%C Row 2 of A189545

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A189546/b189546.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..200</a>

%e Some solutions for n=5

%e ..1...-5....1....4...-1....2....2...-3...-1....1....1...-5...-5....4...-1....3

%e ..3....3....3....3...-2...-3...-4...-4...-2...-2....3....2....4...-3....2....4

%e ..5....3...-4...-3....4...-5....5....5...-3...-3....4....1....3...-3...-4....5

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Apr 23 2011