Number of nondecreasing arrangements of n+2 numbers in 0..n with the last equal to n and each after the second equal to the sum of one or two of the preceding four

%I #6 Mar 31 2012 12:36:15

%S 2,6,11,32,54,179,253,866,1161,3234,4100,12289,11179,28957,35448,

%T 81956,60820,184122,127607,389213,298758,584334,434068,1773649,705685,

%U 1778949,1505153,3979185,1735705,7116031,2564548,11409548,5647305,10489351

%N Number of nondecreasing arrangements of n+2 numbers in 0..n with the last equal to n and each after the second equal to the sum of one or two of the preceding four

%C Diagonal of A189326

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A189319/b189319.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..57</a>

%e All solutions for n=3

%e ..0....1....3....0....1....2....1....1....1....1....1

%e ..3....2....3....1....3....3....1....1....2....2....1

%e ..3....3....3....1....3....3....1....2....2....2....2

%e ..3....3....3....2....3....3....2....3....2....3....2

%e ..3....3....3....3....3....3....3....3....3....3....3

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Apr 20 2011