Number of nondecreasing arrangements of n numbers x(i) in -n..n with the sum of sign(x(i))*x(i)^2 zero

%I #6 May 10 2023 03:53:38

%S 1,3,4,17,45,176,644,2983,13675,67487,340192,1775300,9438436,51112686,

%T 281006680,1565898705,8826775421,50268025897,288898607594,

%U 1674035743383,9772219545537,57429659103938,339574982244340,2019144043582652,12067931396139136

%N Number of nondecreasing arrangements of n numbers x(i) in -n..n with the sum of sign(x(i))*x(i)^2 zero

%C Column 2 of A188002

%e All solutions for n=3

%e .-3...-2...-1....0

%e ..0....0....0....0

%e ..3....2....1....0

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Mar 18 2011

%E Terms from a(18) on from _R. J. Mathar_, May 10 2023