Adjusted joint rank sequence of (f(i)) and (g(j)) with f(i) after g(j) when f(i)=g(j), where f(i)=4i and g(j)=j(j+1)/2 (triangular number). Complement of A186381.

%I #4 Mar 30 2012 18:57:18

%S 1,2,4,6,8,11,13,16,20,23,27,31,35,40,44,49,55,60,66,72,78,85,91,98,

%T 106,113,121,129,137,146,154,163,173,182,192,202,212,223,233,244,256,

%U 267,279,291,303,316,328,341,355,368,382,396,410,425,439,454,470,485,501,517,533,550,566,583,601,618,636,654,672,691,709,728,748,767,787,807,827,848,868,889,911,932,954,976,998,1021,1043,1066,1090

%N Adjusted joint rank sequence of (f(i)) and (g(j)) with f(i) after g(j) when f(i)=g(j), where f(i)=4i and g(j)=j(j+1)/2 (triangular number). Complement of A186381.

%C See A186381.

%e See A186381.

%t (See A186381.)

%Y Cf. A186379, A186380, A186381.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Feb 19 2011