%I #28 Dec 08 2023 11:39:04
%S 1,4,19,54,145,350,726,1462,2710,4846,8166,13730,21741,34350,52488,
%T 79518,117141,172224,246993,353464,496721,694952,958374,1318174,
%U 1789077,2420888,3243045,4329098,5728140,7557906,9893327,12913820,16746136
%N Total Wiener index of star-like trees with n edges.
%C In the reference, p. 18, theorem 2.14, there is the following formula of the average Wiener index av(n) of a star-like tree with n edges:
%C av(n) = 2*n^2 - (6^(1/2)*n^(3/2))/(2*Pi)*(log(n) + 2*cEuler - log(Pi^2/6) + 24*zeta(3)/(Pi^2)),
%C so an approximate value of a(n) is given by av(n)*A058984(n). The following table was determined approximating zeta(3) by 1.2020569, and Euler's constant by 0.5772156649.
%C n av(n)*A058984(n) (I) a(n) (II) I/II
%C 5 136.9 145 0.94414
%C 13 21443.1 21741 0.98630
%C 20 352132.8 353464 0.99623
%C 28 4329081.3 4329098 0.999996
%C 29 5729910.2 5728140 1.00031
%C 30 7560843.8 7557906 1.00039
%C 33 16760543.2 16746136 1.00086
%C 50 810144542.2 808929430 1.00150
%C 60 5614575632.9 5606027232 1.00152
%C 80 167110984160.2 166870656888 1.00144
%C 100 3203299185861.4 3199052703248 1.00133
%C 120 45208751880788.8 45153537110230 1.00122
%C 130 155331813239050.0 155149438632558 1.00117
%C 140 507674790104504.3 507101038817616 1.00113
%C For n<=28 the approximation underestimates the actual value of the total Wiener index of star-like trees. For 29 <= n <= 140 it overestimates this total; however as n grows, the rate I/II converges to 1. - _Washington Bomfim_, Feb 17 2011
%H Washington Bomfim, <a href="/A186310/b186310.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..140</a>
%H Washington Bomfim, <a href="http://oeis.org/wiki/File:Ex.png">Example</a>
%H Arnold Knopfmacher, Robert F. Tichy, Stephan Wagner, and Volker Ziegler, <a href="http://www.math.tugraz.at/~wagner/GraPartFib.pdf">Graphs, Partitions and Fibonacci Numbers</a>
%H Stephan Wagner, <a href="https://math.sun.ac.za/swagner/Diss.pdf">Graph-theoretical enumeration and digital expansions: an analytic approach</a>, Dissertation, Fakult. f. Tech. Math. u. Tech. Physik, Tech. Univ. Graz, Austria, Feb. 2006.
%e The Bomfim link shows a way to find a(7).
%Y Cf. A001620, A002117, A058984, A122681.
%K nonn
%O 1,2
%A _Washington Bomfim_, Feb 17 2011