There are at least n lucky numbers between x/2 and x for all x >= a(n).

%I #4 Mar 30 2012 17:22:57

%S 7,9,31,33,43,67,69,75,87,105,111,127,159,163,189,193,201,211,231,235,

%T 259,283,285,289,303,319,327,349,357,391,393,415,475,483,487,489,495,

%U 511,535,537,579,583,615,619,621,643,645,679,685,723,727,735,739,741,745,801,867,873,883,885

%N There are at least n lucky numbers between x/2 and x for all x >= a(n).

%C Every term is also a lucky number. This sequence for lucky numbers is like the Ramanujan primes (A104272) for the sequence of prime numbers.

%Y Cf. A186233 (number of lucky numbers between n and 2n, exclusive)

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _T. D. Noe_, Feb 15 2011