Half the number of n X n 0..3 arrays with each element equal to either the maximum or the minimum of its horizontal and vertical neighbors

%I #6 Dec 18 2015 18:17:32

%S 0,14,814,240358,320224986,1988200387149,57140106100076100

%N Half the number of n X n 0..3 arrays with each element equal to either the maximum or the minimum of its horizontal and vertical neighbors

%C Diagonal of A183584

%e Some solutions with a(1,1)<=1 for 3X3

%e ..0..3..3....0..0..3....1..1..3....1..1..0....1..3..0....1..2..2....1..1..1

%e ..0..3..0....0..3..3....1..1..3....1..0..0....1..3..0....1..1..1....1..1..1

%e ..0..3..0....0..0..3....3..3..3....1..0..0....1..3..0....3..3..3....1..2..2

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Jan 05 2011