Second of two complementary trees generated by the squares; The other tree is A183420.

%I #8 Mar 30 2012 18:57:12

%S 1,7,3,79,10,23,5,6559,88,142,13,623,28,47,8,43046719,6640,8098,97,

%T 20734,154,223,17,390623,648,898,33,2399,54,98,11

%N Second of two complementary trees generated by the squares; The other tree is A183420.

%C See A183420.

%F See the formulas at A183169 and A183423.

%e First three levels:

%e .............1

%e ........7............3

%e .....79...10......23.....5

%Y Cf. A183420, A183169, A183423.

%K nonn,tabf

%O 1,2

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Jan 04 2011