Number of nX4 binary arrays with the number of 0-1 adjacencies equal to the number of 0-0 adjacencies

%I #5 Mar 31 2012 12:35:50

%S 3,22,157,1899,23285,284314,3534109,44666147,568723429,7296845360,

%T 94115102881,1219598072719,15862582371441,206984139821242,

%U 2708176662889977,35518310665734877,466794647103979156

%N Number of nX4 binary arrays with the number of 0-1 adjacencies equal to the number of 0-0 adjacencies

%C Column 4 of A183262

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A183259/b183259.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..200</a>

%e Some solutions for 4X4

%e ..0..0..1..1....0..1..0..0....0..0..0..0....0..0..0..0....1..0..0..0

%e ..0..0..1..1....0..0..0..1....1..0..1..0....1..1..0..0....1..0..1..0

%e ..0..0..1..1....1..1..0..0....0..0..0..1....0..1..0..0....0..0..1..1

%e ..0..1..0..1....1..0..0..0....0..0..1..1....1..0..0..1....0..0..0..1

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Jan 03 2011