%I #7 Mar 30 2012 18:57:11
%S 1,3,2,8,6,3,27,16,10,4,100,54,29,13,5,379,200,102,38,17,6,1447,759,
%T 381,133,50,20,7,5536,2899,1449,497,176,59,23,8,21191,11092,5538,1890,
%U 658,208,67,27,9,81124,42458,21192,7223,2504,779,235,80
%N Upper Beatty array of sqrt(2).
%C Upper and lower Beatty arrays U and L are defined in general at A181661. Notation: U(n,k) and L(n,k) for n>=1 and k>=0.
%C Column 2 of U is A001952, the Beatty sequence of 2+sqrt(2); column 2 of L is the complement, A001951, the Beatty sequence of sqrt(2).
%C U(n,k)-L(n,k)=2n for all n>=1 and k>=1.
%e Northwest corner of U:
%e 1.....3.....8....27...100...
%e 2.....6....16....54...200...
%e 3....10....29...102...381...
%e 4....13....38...133...497...
%Y Cf., A181661, A181886, A182639.
%K nonn,tabl
%O 1,2
%A _Clark Kimberling_, Nov 22 2010