Primes of the form n^(n+1)+(n-1)^n.

%I #11 Mar 30 2012 18:35:54

%S 89,16649,6044737,3238428376721

%N Primes of the form n^(n+1)+(n-1)^n.

%C The next term of the sequence is a(5)=393^394+392^393 = 15526396580196065…8500849703002799761, which has 1023 decimal digits and is too large to include here.

%e For n=5, 16649 is in the sequence because 5^6+4^5=16649 is prime.

%t lst={}; Do[m=n+1; q=n^m+ (n-1)^n; If[PrimeQ[q], AppendTo[lst, q]], {n, 0, 400}];

%t lst

%o (PARI) A181681(istrt)={for(n=istrt,istrt+400,

%o if(isprime(n^(n+1)+(n-1)^n),print(n^(n+1)+(n-1)^n)));}

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Michel Lagneau_, Nov 17 2010