For prime p=A000040(n), the smallest prime divisor of (p-1)^p+1 other than p.

%I #11 Mar 24 2023 08:44:23

%S 41,29,23,79,354689,1961870762757168078553,47,40427,4093,4441,2543,

%T 1033,659,181194015068926422899222020415627,394502321,22742387,36583,

%U 569,14747,12641,167,407987015619859919,100493,3679329001

%N For prime p=A000040(n), the smallest prime divisor of (p-1)^p+1 other than p.

%H Tyler Busby, <a href="/A177996/b177996.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 3..43</a> (terms 3..36 from Max Alekseyev)

%H H. Mishima, <a href="http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~kc2h-msm/cn/index.htm">Factorizations of Cyclotomic Numbers</a>.

%Y Cf. A128677

%K hard,nonn

%O 3,1

%A _Max Alekseyev_, May 16 2010