Convert n to binary. NAND each respective digit of binary n and binary A030101(n), where A030101(n) is the reversal of the order of the digits in the binary representation of n (given in decimal). a(n) is the decimal value of the result.

%I #16 Dec 30 2017 11:43:38

%S 0,0,3,0,7,2,5,0,15,6,15,6,15,6,9,0,31,14,31,14,27,10,27,10,31,14,21,

%T 4,27,10,17,0,63,30,63,30,63,30,63,30,63,30,63,30,51,18,51,18,63,30,

%U 45,12,63,30,45,12,63,30,45,12,51,18,33,0,127,62,127,62,127,62,127,62,119,54,119

%N Convert n to binary. NAND each respective digit of binary n and binary A030101(n), where A030101(n) is the reversal of the order of the digits in the binary representation of n (given in decimal). a(n) is the decimal value of the result.

%C Description format taken from _Leroy Quet_'s OR and AND gate sequences for consistency.

%H Alois P. Heinz, <a href="/A175918/b175918.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..16383</a>

%t Table[f = IntegerDigits[x, 2]; f = f + Reverse[f]; FromDigits[ Table[If[f[[r]] < 2, 1, 0], {r, 1, Length[f]}], 2], {x, STARTPOINT,ENDPOINT}]

%Y Or A175298 and And A175297 gate sequences. The rest of the equivalent sequences for other gates are adjacent.

%K base,nonn,look

%O 0,3

%A _Dylan Hamilton_, Oct 15 2010