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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A175189 Smallest integer m such that phi(phi(m))^n + tau(phi(m))^n = phi(rad(m))^n, where n is the number of iterations of phi(phi), tau(phi) and phi(rad) functions. 0
7, 33, 29, 59, 347, 2039, 4079, 32633, 65267, 913739, 1827479, 36549581 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
Remarks about an interesting property of the equation phi(phi(m))^k + tau(phi(m))^k = phi(rad(m))^k: Let p be a prime number. If p is a solution of this equation with k iterations, and if q = 2*p+1 is prime, then q is solution of the equation with k+1 iterations.
Proof: we use the following properties, if p is prime: phi(phi(2*p+1)) = phi(2*p) = p-1; tau(phi(2*p+1)) = tau(2*p) = 4; phi(rad(2*p+1)) = phi(2*p+1) = 2*p; phi(phi(p)) = phi(p-1); tau(phi(p)) = tau(p-1); phi(rad(p)) = phi(p) = p-1.
Example: 2039 is prime and is solution for k = 6, and 4079 = 2*2039 + 1 is prime and is solution for n = 7; idem with the primes 32633, 913739, but p = 36549581 is prime and solution for 12 iterations, but 2*p + 1 is not prime, so it is not a solution.
M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, eds., Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards Applied Math. Series 55, 1964 (and various reprintings), p. 840.
M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, eds., Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, Applied Math. Series 55, Tenth Printing, 1972 [alternative scanned copy].
For n=1, phi(phi(7)) = 2, tau(phi(7)) = 4, phi(rad(7)) = phi(7) = 6, then 2 + 4 = 6.
For n=2, phi(phi(phi(phi(33)))) = 2, tau(phi(tau(phi(33))) = 2, phi(rad(phi(rad(33) = 4, then 2 + 2 = 4.
For n=3, phi(phi(phi(phi(phi(phi(29)))))) = 1, tau(phi(tau(phi(tau(phi(29)))))) = 1, phi(rad(phi(rad(phi(rad(29)))))) = 2, then 1 + 1 = 2.
with(numtheory):for n from 1 to 100 do:indic:=0:for x from 1 to 10000 while(indic=0 ) do:x0:=x:y0:=x:z0:=x: for iter from 1 to n do:x1:=phi(phi(x0)): y1:= tau(phi(y0)): zz1:= ifactors(z0)[2] : zz2 :=mul(zz1[i][1], i=1..nops(zz1)): z1:=phi(zz2):x0:=x1:y0:=y1:z0:=z1:od :if x0 +y0=z0 then print (x):indic:=1:else fi:od:od:
(PARI) rad(m) = factorback(factorint(m)[, 1]); \\ A007947
phi_phi(m, n) = {for (k=1, n, m = eulerphi(eulerphi(m)); ); m; }
tau_phi(m, n) = {for (k=1, n, m = numdiv(eulerphi(m)); ); m; }
phi_rad(m, n) = {for (k=1, n, m = eulerphi(rad(m)); ); m; }
a(n) = {my(m=1); while (phi_phi(m, n)+ tau_phi(m, n) != phi_rad(m, n), m++); m; } \\ Michel Marcus, Sep 17 2020
Cf. A000010 (phi), A007947 (rad), A000005 (tau), A002183.
Sequence in context: A288721 A324412 A373442 * A153286 A060745 A275163
Michel Lagneau, Mar 01 2010
Edited by Michel Marcus, Sep 17 2020

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Last modified September 17 23:36 EDT 2024. Contains 375991 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)