Slowest increasing sequence of odd primes such that the partial sums of the sequence from the second on are perfect powers.

%I #6 Mar 30 2012 18:40:08

%S 3,5,17,103,233,1367,1753,2351,7393,19543,20593,46639,54449,284527,

%T 344249,407791,512009,812431,844433,1214407,1316033,2109671,2233601,

%U 11251351,11267777,13903271,14449489,16203287,16451713,18219679,18367721,18529111

%N Slowest increasing sequence of odd primes such that the partial sums of the sequence from the second on are perfect powers.

%H Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="/A174722/b174722.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..71 </a>

%e 3+5=8, 3+5+17=25, 3+5+17+103=128 are perfect powers, i.e., in A007504.

%t fQ[n_] := GCD @@ Last /@ FactorInteger@n > 1; p = sp = 3; lst = {3}; While[p < 10^9, If[ fQ[sp + p], AppendTo[lst, p]; Print@p; sp = sp + p]; p = NextPrime@p]; lst

%Y Cf. A001597, A137355, A176578.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Giovanni Teofilatto_, Mar 28 2010

%E Edited and extended by _R. J. Mathar_, Mar 31 2010

%E Edited, corrected and extended by _Robert G. Wilson v_, Apr 20 2010