Partial sums of A019318.

%I #2 Mar 30 2012 18:40:51

%S 1,3,19,271,7085,251429,10997806,564316854,33175912910,2196968168590,

%T 161790768056642,13114202824936638,1160158996141467678,

%U 111226473580172327222,11486922450679555836573

%N Partial sums of A019318.

%C Partial sums of number of inequivalent ways of choosing n squares from an n X n board, considering rotations and reflections to be the same.The subsequence of primes in this partial sum (unexpectedly dense at first) begins: 3, 19, 271, 251429, no more through a(20) yet 4 of the first 5 values after a(1).

%F a(n) = SUM[i=1..n] A019318(i) = SUM[i=1..n] {number of inequivalent ways of choosing i squares from an i X i board, considering rotations and reflections to be the same}.

%e a(6) = 1 + 2 + 16 + 252 + 6814 + 244344 = 251429 is prime.

%Y Cf. A019318, A054252, A014409.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Jonathan Vos Post_, Feb 25 2010