Partials sums of A000410.

%I #2 Mar 30 2012 18:40:51

%S 0,0,6,431,66056,27960727,35744362616,144901919316449

%N Partials sums of A000410.

%C Partials sums of number of singular n X n rational (0,1)-matrices. The subsequence of primes in this partial sum begins: 431.

%F a(n) = SUM[i=0..n] A000410(i).

%e a(8) = 0 + 0 + 6 + 425 + 65625 + 27894671 + 35716401889 + 144866174953833.

%Y Cf. A000409, A000410, A046747, A064230, A064231.

%K more,nonn

%O 1,3

%A _Jonathan Vos Post_, Feb 23 2010