%I #5 Jul 15 2013 13:45:03
%S 2,7,181,52722353,1011858391
%N The first prime that generates n primes through the iterated process of computing the value in base 3 of the base-2 representation.
%C A curiosity perhaps worth mentioning is that the decimal representations of the 1st, 3rd and 4th primes generated in this process from a(5) all share the same initial two and final two digits (leading with 10 and ending with 81).
%e The chains in base ten for the first three terms are 2-->3, 7-->13-->37, and
%e 181-->2521-->186733-->148988197.
%K base,nonn
%O 1,1
%A _James G. Merickel_, Feb 13 2010
%E a(5) added by _James G. Merickel_, Jul 11 2013