%I #17 Feb 25 2018 15:05:50
%S 1,1,1,1,3,4,5,17,27,44,98,84,175,475,331,491,1721,2241,1731,4552,
%T 3442,3677,15886,6139,10878,19516,10626,22895,31070,18831,19640
%N Arises in classification of base sequences.
%C Column 2 of Djokovic, p.3, Table 1: Number of equivalence classes of BS(n + 1, n). From the abstract of the paper: "Base sequences BS(n+1,n) are quadruples of {1,-1}-sequences (A;B;C;D), with A and B of length n+1 and C and D of length n, such that the sum of their nonperiodic autocorrelation functions is a delta-function. The base sequence conjecture, asserting that BS(n+1,n) exist for all n, is stronger than the famous Hadamard matrix conjecture. We introduce a new definition of equivalence for base sequences BS(n+1,n) and construct a canonical form. By using this canonical form, we have enumerated the equivalence classes of BS(n+1,n) for n <= 30. Due to excessive size of the equivalence classes, the tables in the paper cover only the cases n <= 12."
%H Dragomir Z. Djokovic, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1414">Classification of base sequences BS(n+1,n)</a>, arXiv:1002.1414 [math.CO], 2010.
%H Dragomir Z. Djokovic, <a href="https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijcom/2010/851857/">Classification of base sequences BS(n+1,n)</a>, International Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 2010, Article ID 851857, 21 pages, 2010.
%H Dragomir Z. Djokovic, <a href="https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijcom/2010/842636/">Erratum to "Classification of base sequences BS(n+1,n)"</a>, International Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 2010, Article ID 842636, 2 pages, 2010.
%K nonn,more
%O 0,5
%A _Jonathan Vos Post_, Feb 09 2010