%I #7 Oct 07 2013 11:40:16
%S 2,16,384,23808,3486720
%N Number of chirotopes resulting from realizable uniform oriented matroids of rank 3 over a ground set of n elements.
%C The above numbers were obtained from random sprinkling of points into S^2.
%D J. Brunnemann and D. Rideout, "Oriented matroids—combinatorial structures underlying loop quantum gravity", Class.Quant.Grav. 27, 205008 (2010).
%D J. Brunnemann and D. Rideout, "Properties of the Volume Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity II: Detailed Presentation", Class.Quant.Grav. 25 065002 (2008).
%Y A172144
%K nonn,more
%O 3,1
%A Johannes Brunnemann (jbrunnem(AT)math.upb.de) and _David Rideout_, Nov 19 2010