Numbers that are the products of 3 distinct primes and they are sum of 3 consecutive products of 3 distinct primes.

%I #2 Mar 31 2012 12:38:27

%S 138,285,354,715,759,861,1158,1335,1362,1390,1498,1582,1767,1834,1986,

%T 2013,2065,2255,2298,2345,2390,2406,2702,2865,2967,3201,3245,3302,

%U 3435,3678,3730,3801,3846,3874,3955,4015,4053,4090,4142,4498,4521,4551,4634

%N Numbers that are the products of 3 distinct primes and they are sum of 3 consecutive products of 3 distinct primes.

%e 30+42+66=138, 78+102+105=285,..

%t f[n_]:=Last/@FactorInteger[n]=={1,1,1}; a=30;b=42;lst={};Do[If[f[n],p=a+b+n;If[f[p],AppendTo[lst,p]];a=b;b=n],{n,65,7!}];lst

%Y Cf. A007304

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky_, Nov 28 2009