Number of 2n-digit primes that are concatenation of n two-digit distinct primes p_1...p_n: 10<p_1<p_2<...<p_n>98.

%I #2 Mar 30 2012 17:26:30

%S 21,44,323,785,2620,4925,10184,13848,19697,19302,19040,13450,9269,

%T 4538,2174,633,231,44,3,0,0

%N Number of 2n-digit primes that are concatenation of n two-digit distinct primes p_1...p_n: 10<p_1<p_2<...<p_n>98.

%Y Cf. A168513 Number of 2n-digit primes that are concatenation of n two-digit distinct primes p_1...p_n, 98>p_1>p_2>...>p_n>10.

%K base,fini,full,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Zak Seidov_, Nov 28 2009