The positions of zeros in A163898 and A163899.

%I #2 Mar 31 2012 13:21:19

%S 0,1,10,21,28,136,171,190,300,325,406,465,496,2080,2211,2278,2628,

%T 2701,2926,3081,3160,4656,4753,5050,5253,5356,6328,6555,6670,7260,

%U 7381,7750,8001,8128,32896,33411,33670,34980,35245,36046,36585,36856

%N The positions of zeros in A163898 and A163899.

%C Equivalently, the positions of ones in A163904.

%Y These positions are all in the top row of the said arrays, that is, for all n, A002262(a(n)) = 0. A025581(a(n)) gives A165404.

%K nonn

%O 0,3

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Sep 19 2009