Consider the base-9 Kaprekar map n->K(n) defined in A165110. Sequence gives numbers belonging to cycles, including fixed points.

%I #4 Mar 30 2012 17:28:44

%S 0,16,48,320,400,2256,3712,3856,5168,5312,5456,34960,40080,41520,

%T 42240,49520,55360,183696,250592,308992,322096,323392,388992,419888,

%U 440192,446096,448688,454592,505792,511696,512992,3496800,3916640,31531872

%N Consider the base-9 Kaprekar map n->K(n) defined in A165110. Sequence gives numbers belonging to cycles, including fixed points.

%C Initial terms in base 9: 0, 17, 53, 385, 484, 3076, 5074, 5254, 7072, 7252.

%H Joseph Myers, <a href="/A165115/b165115.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n=1..7826</a>

%H <a href="/index/K#Kaprekar_map">Index entries for the Kaprekar map</a>

%Y Union of A165114 and A165117. Cf. A165110, A165116, A165119, A165121, A165128, A165124.

%Y In other bases: A163205 (base 2), A164998 (base 3), A165017 (base 4), A165037 (base 5), A165056 (base 6), A165076 (base 7), A165095 (base 8), A164716 (base 10).

%K base,nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Joseph Myers_, Sep 04 2009