%I #8 Aug 10 2019 13:05:49
%S 13,144,987,4181,6765,46368,75025,317811,9227465,24157817,63245986,
%T 102334155,20365011074,86267571272,225851433717,14472334024676221,
%U 23416728348467685
%N Fibonacci numbers in which the difference between the largest digit and the smallest digit is a prime.
%e 144 is a Fibonacci number in which the difference between the largest digit and the smallest digit is a prime. 20365011074 is a Fibonacci number in which the difference between the largest digit and the smallest digit is a prime.
%t Select[Fibonacci[Range[1000]],PrimeQ[Max[IntegerDigits[#]]-Min[ IntegerDigits[ #]]]&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 09 2019 *)
%Y Cf. A000045
%K base,nonn,less
%O 1,1
%A _Parthasarathy Nambi_, Aug 27 2009
%E More terms from _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 09 2019
%E Corrected by _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 10 2019