Numbers divisible by 11 in the decimal expansion of Pi, contiguous and smallest.

%I #2 Mar 31 2012 10:29:57

%S 141592,65358979323,84626433832795028841971693993751058209749,44,

%T 5923078164062862,0,8998,628034,825,3421,1706798214,

%U 808651328230664709384,4609,55,0,58223,172535,94081284

%N Numbers divisible by 11 in the decimal expansion of Pi, contiguous and smallest.

%C Solo zeros considered divisible by 7. In the first million digits of Pi, the maximum smallest integer divisible by 11 occurs at position 175,115: 52728640598951425047655646438613971390930202571945855825271392719811327758886955446292060520268767522136796682746877587452. This is, none of its potential predecessors (5,52,527,5272,52728,527286, ...) is divisible by 11.

%e Delimit the decimal expansion of Pi into MOD(11)=0 integers at the smallest opportunity. This works out to be: 141592 65358979323 84626433832795028841971693993751058209749 44 ...

%K base,easy,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Gil Broussard_, Aug 15 2009