Least number k such that 7^(2^i) + k is prime for i = 0,1,..,n-1.

%I #31 Jun 17 2013 13:28:48

%S 4,4,10,40,990,8712,1691820,69466840,6173190532,4139897208540

%N Least number k such that 7^(2^i) + k is prime for i = 0,1,..,n-1.

%e a(5) = 990 because k = 990 is the minimal k such that N = 7^(2^i) + k is prime for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; N = 997, 1039, 3391, 5765791, 33232930570591. But 7^(2^5) + 990 is divisible by 37 and four other primes.

%Y Cf. A129613, A225560 A226281, A226707.

%K nonn,more

%O 1,1

%A _Robin Garcia_, Jun 16 2013

%E a(10) from _Giovanni Resta_, Jun 16 2013