%I #8 Apr 10 2021 22:25:04
%S 19,27,31,38,22,7,10,28,34,28,7,27,63,28,33,4,0,9,4,6,12,4,40,4,9,11,
%T 13,7,11,31,44,30,12,8,40,20,21,58,28,7,8,6,21,27,54,45,15,18,36,5,25,
%U 47,46,8,36,9,18,18,18,4,11,44,59,7,6,14,32,56,36,12,12,18,18,14,6,24,8,32
%N Let p(n) denote the n-th digit of Pi, and let e(n) denote the n-th digit of e. Then define a(n) = abs(p(n)*e(n+1) - p(n+1)*e(n)).
%C Absolute values of determinants taken on corresponding pairs of digits of Pi and e.
%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A160036/b160036.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>
%e a(1) = abs(3*7 - 1*2) = 19 (i.e., the determinant taken on the first pair of digits of Pi and e).
%e a(2) = abs(1*1 - 7*4) = 27.
%e a(3) = abs(4*8 - 1*1) = 31.
%t Module[{nn=80,p,ee},p=RealDigits[Pi,10,nn][[1]];ee=RealDigits[ E,10,nn][[1]];Table[Abs[p[[n]]ee[[n+1]]-p[[n+1]]ee[[n]]],{n,nn-1}]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 02 2016 *)
%Y Cf. A001113, Decimal expansion of e, and A000796, Decimal expansion of Pi.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,1
%A Don Love (moptop35(AT)hotmail.com), Apr 30 2009