Move n disks from the first peg to the last peg. Disks can only move between adjacent pegs in a move.
Upper bounds by Yi Yang using 'best moving pattern' for n = 21..32 are: 4377, 5276, 6251, 7392, 8779, 10488, 12469, 14832, 17497, 20228, 23377, 27082.
Values for n=21, 22, 23 were computed on SuperMUC-NG by Andreas M. Hinz and Ciril Petr during 2020-2021. The value for n = 23 is the first one that is less than Yang's bound, so the optimal strategy is still an open problem. - Ciril Petr, May 03 2023
Baidu, Four Pillar Tower of Hanoi Upgraded Version (Chinese web page with the problem and first 13 terms).
P. Bastian, D. Kranzlmüller, H. Brüchle, and G. Mathias, High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2022, page 255.
A. M. Hinz, B. Lužar, and C. Petr, The Dudeney-Stockmeyer Conjecture, Discrete Appl. Math. 319 (2022) 19-26.
KeyTo9_Fans, A picture showing the best moving pattern for n<=32
Paul K. Stockmeyer, Variations on the Four-Post Tower of Hanoi Puzzle, Congressus Numerantium 102 (1994), pp. 3-12.
Paul K. Stockmeyer and Fred Lunnon, New Variations on the Tower of Hanoi.
Given the terms of n<=6, we can calculate f(n) for 7<=n<=32 using this formula: f(n)=min{f(a)+f(c)+2f(d)+f(e)+3^(n-a-1)+3^(b-a)+3^(b-a+c-d-1)+3^(e-d)+3^(n-b+a-c)+3^(b-e)-3^(n-b+a-c-1)/2-3^(b-e-1)/2+(-1)^(n-b)*(3^(a-c)-1)/2+(-1)^(b-a)*3^(a-e)/2-(-1)^(b-a)*3^(c-e)/2-3}, which 0<=d<=e<=c<=a<b<n. When n>32, it is hard to determine whether this formula still hold. Maybe a new moving pattern will appear for larger n. - Yi Yang, Apr 11 2010
For n=2, 10 moves needed:
0: {1,2},{},{},{}
1: {2},{1},{},{}
2: {2},{},{1},{}
3: {2},{},{},{1}
4: {},{2},{},{1}
5: {},{},{2},{1}
6: {},{},{1,2},{}
7: {},{1},{2},{}
8: {},{1},{},{2}
9: {},{},{1},{2}
10: {},{},{},{1,2}
Yi Yang, Apr 29 2009
Values up to n=19 checked and Yang's bound proved to equal a(20) by Paul Zimmermann, Feb 21 2018
Values for n=21,22,23 added by Ciril Petr, May 03 2023